Mandated Treatment: In partnership with Talbert House, we have been conducting evaluations of BJA and SAMHSA-funded treatment services delivered to individuals in court-supervised substance use treatment since 2012. Our current evaluation is projected through 2025.
Diversion, Deflection, and Harm Reduction Programs: In partnership with the Hamilton Addiction Response Coalition, our team is currently conducting BJA-funded evaluations of Hamilton County, Ohio's county-wide Quick Response Team (QRT), and Co-Responder Deflection Pilot.
Farringer, A. J. & Manchak, S. M. (2022). Communication and collaboration in a drug court team. Psychological Services. doi: 10.1037/ser0000735.
Available online at
Manchak, S. M., Gosney, M. E., Haberman, C., & Firesheets, K. (2022).
A Data-Driven Response to the Addiction Crisis in Hamilton County, Ohio: Full Practice Report.
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 28, S320-S325.
Strange, C. C., Manchak, S.M, Hyatt, J.M., Petrich, D. M., Desai, A., & Haberman, C. (2022).
Opioid-specific medication-assisted therapy and its impact on criminal justice and overdose outcomes.
Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18 (1), 1215. DOI: 10.1002/cl2.1215
Manchak, S. M., Strange, C., Farringer, A., & Lancaster, M., (2021). The assessment and treatment of substance
use disorders in jails. In V. Barber-Rioja, A. Garcia-Mansilla, B. Subedi, B., and A. Batastini, A. (Eds.).
Handbook of mental health assessment and treatment in jails. New York. NY: Oxford University Press.
Manchak, S.M. (2023). Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships: A Foundation for Growing the Evidence Base of Deflection.
Journal of Community Justice, 32(4), 5-8.
Mental Health and Criminal Justice
Madeline Lancaster's dissertation focuses on the intersectional influences of race and mental illness on individual's emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to a person experiencing distress.
Sarah Light's dissertation focuses on the influence of reentry treatment services (broadly defined) on the criminal justice outcomes of returning citizens.
Manchak, S. M., Light, S., Farringer, A. J., DiRienzo, F., Gutierrez, L., Warner, J. (in press).
Reducing Community Supervision Failure for People with Mental Illness: Strategies for Promoting Success.
Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research.
Manchak, S. M., Warner, J., Farringer, A. J., Pate, S., & Anderson, V. R. (in press).
Building Effective Interpersonal Collaborations Between Probation and Behavioral Health Practitioners.
Psychological Services. doi: 10.1037/ser0000813
Manchak, S. M., Skeem, J. L., & Loth, L. (2019). What works in supervising probationers with mental illness.
In D. Polaschek, A. Hay, & C. Hollin (Eds.), The Handbook of Psychology and Corrections. Wiley Publishing.
Manchak, S. M., Morgan, R. (2018). Mentally disordered offenders in prison.
In J. Wooldredge, & P. Smith (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on Prisons and Imprisonment. New York, NY: Oxford.
Other Current and Past Projects
Farringer, A., Duriez, S., Manchak, S. M., & Sullivan, C. C. (2019). Adherence to "what works":
Examining trends across 14 years of correctional program assessment. Corrections:
Policy, Practice, and Research.
Manchak, S. M., Farringer, A., Anderson, V. R., & Campbell, C. (2017). Current U.S. agency-
level trends in supporting implementation of evidence-based practices in parole.
Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research, 2 (1), 1-14.